and if only we will regard the constitution, the right and duty of every citizen (and pay our elected officials better wages and the policeman has oftener occasion) to say, exert ourselves as the citizens the constitu"This thing is in accord with the constitution contemplates our being, we shall thrive tion and this other thing is not." Constituand live in peace as never before. tionality is not a thing that must always be One and its friends have a special interest carried to the supreme court before it can in the constitution's faithful observance. be decided. The constitution requires the lowArticle VI, paragraph 3, provides that no est civil-service messenger to swear or affirm religious test shall ever be required as a that he will support the constitution: it qualification to any office or public trust logically follows that the constitution is and Article I of the amendments prohibits understandable by a person of ordinary an establishment of religion. You and your attainments.

friends, whenever you are persecuted by Our constitution is written in the plainest officials under legal pretext, are afflicted by language and is remarkably simple and conreason of somebody's determination to write sistent. There is no excuse for the policereligion into the law. There is not one law man who panders to that element in the to which you are obnoxious that was not put citizenry which tries to make the governin the statute books from a religious motivement enforce church law. and in violation of the constitution.

It is the policeman's responsibility that he

No more than anybody else has a policearrest only such persons as are guilty of man a right to do anything unlawful. It is behavior proscribed by a constitutionally the right and duty of the policeman, as it is sound law-and of course there are many

It is with pride and pleasure that ONE announces a new address:

232 South Hill Street

No longer just a post box, the magazine moves November first into a downtown Los Angeles suite (two rooms, one window: the phone will come later). Visitors are heartily welcome and invited to bring any office furniture they'd like to contribute. We need chairs, drawing tables, desks, typewriters and the like.

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